Street Lighting for Extensive Coverage

Auckland, New Zealand

As Smart Street Lighting gained popularity with increasing street light LED retrofitting projects, cities become more receptive to the ideal of leveraging smart technology on street lights to reduce energy consumption, improve maintenance and using the infrastructure for additional smart city application. Auckland is one such city which has benefited from this deployment.

Dead Communications Zones

Over 40,000 street lights were deployed, covering 10km (radius) in urban terrain and up to 25km in rural terrain. At some locations within the city and outskirts, “dead communications zones” were observed for certain clusters of street lights.

A Holistic System with Reliable Communications

Unlike other solutions, the Smart Street Lighting System utilise a single base station to ensure coverage of a wide area, without the need for a large number of data concentrators and transmitting gateways. The “dead communication zones” are addressed utilising unique relay functionality of every deployed node that can serve as a gateway for the nodes within the “dead zone”. Leveraging a wireless platform with robust communications, the system improves energy consumption, efficiency, operation and maintenance by wirelessly controlling the luminaires, perfectly suited for a city with urban and rural areas.

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