The pandemic has shown the ingenuity and flexibility of training and adult education sector. While many have pivoted rapidly to implement online curriculums, how do you decide which learning management system helps to better engage with your learners?
Beyond the choice of learning platform and strong Wi-Fi connection, content delivery remains critical to capture your learners’ hearts and minds.
If you are wondering how to design effective virtual learning experiences without losing the face time interactivity you get from traditional classrooms, we have listed 6 tips to make the most out of your virtual classes with our Learning Experience Platform (LearnXP) designed to facilitate both synchronous and asynchronous learning, ease and support training during this challenging period.
Share details on how to access your platform, especially if your class is using it for the first time. Pre-assign reading material or assignments for your learners, so you can maximise in-class discussion times.
LearnXP alerts learners of any new assignments and reminds them again before the deadline, so your learners will never forget to do their homework.
Do you prefer all learners’ microphones to be muted during your lesson? Would you need them to enable video mode throughout? What is the expected attendance rate for the course? Set these ground rules and your lesson’s agenda upfront.
LearnXP enables instructors to customise controls to their desired class settings. It also tracks attendance automatically for all virtual classes at a glance of who is present, absent, late, or left the lessons early.
Content is king. Embed images, videos, ask your learners questions and get them involved via breakout sessions, collaborative white-boarding, Q&As and polls.
LearnXP’s rapid content creation module enables you to create course materials by uploading existing images and files. Convert any YouTube video into a powerful learning tool, by embedding in-video questions (so you will know if they are paying attention too!)
Breakout sessions offer unique and dynamic exchange of knowledge, enabling your learners to discuss concepts they have learnt, network and engage with their peers. Set group work tasks, and have someone present to share the outcomes.
LearnXP enables instructors to assign individuals to groups and sets a timing to the group discussions. It also automatically admits all learners to the main room after the breakout session.
Maximise and tap on the collective experiences of your adult learners. As everyone has different life experiences and professional skillsets, inviting your learners to share their views will help to bring fresh perspectives to the class, fostering networking and re-marketing opportunities.
LearnXP records the virtual class lesson and upload them to the platform so learners can refer to the materials easily. Extract soundbites for marketing advertising purposes.
LearnXP is connected to Skilleto*, our training management system which is integrated with SkillsFuture Singapore. When these two platforms are connected, you can import all information that matters in a single learner’s profile, reducing administrative work with unified data sets to facilitate end-to-end management from course marketing, enrolment, course delivery, attendance tracking and grant administration.
Find out more here.
*Skilleto is a Training Management System developed by ST Engineering, supported by SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG). This system offers training providers in the Training and Adult Education (TAE) sector an affordable solution to digitalise their data and records, and will be linked to SSG systems, thereby easing submissions and the exchange of information.
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