Rethink Cybersecurity: The New Normal

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About the Webinar

The New Normal: Telecommuting at Work is here to stay. Organizations now needs to work remotely to ensure business continuity during crisis situations. With larger groups of employees at remote work, there is a wider exposure of cyberattacks. Securing the digital lifestyle could be a daunting task for cyber defenders as new challenges surface. Question is how resilient is your enterprise network now? Is your enterprise ready to keep up with the prevalence of the evolving cyberattacks?

Crisis can spark transformation and renewal. This could be a golden opportunity for organisations to rethink their cyber strategies. In this webinar, our cyber innovators will discuss the current cyber threats and why existing methodology of securing your enterprise may no longer be resilient enough to secure these digital infrastructure. They will also share the key considerations IT decision makers should keep in mind in the new normal now.


Chia Boon Quee

Chief Cryptography Officer, Cybersecurity, ST Engineering

Li Danlin

Manager, Crypto Products, ST Engineering